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Come join us for fun and fellowship!

Faith Chapter No. 713, District 2, Section 6
Grand Chapter of Texas, Order of the Eastern Star
Chartered in 1921
Stated Meetings: 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., at
Faith Lodge, 3503 Kemp Blvd., Wichita Falls, Texas 76308
(940) 691-0142
2008 ~ 2009 OFFICERS
Worthy Matron |
Billye Ellis |
Worthy Patron |
Ralph Ellis |
Associate Matron |
Anita Moore |
Associate Patron |
Weldon Moore |
Secretary |
Wanda Holland |
Treasurer |
Cecil Laws |
Conductress |
Karen Goodin |
Associate Conductress |
Cynthia Pearce |
Chaplain |
Tommy Gream |
Marshal |
Gary Pearce |
Organist |
Ethel Lynn Travis |
Adah |
Elizabeth Furbush |
Ruth |
Ruby Bicknell |
Esther |
Jacqueline Dean |
Martha |
Dorothy Sells |
Electa |
Jean Bushnell |
Warder |
Gary Goodin |
Sentinel |
Curtis Bushnell |